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In A Pair of Brown Eyes by the Pogues, the line "An old man in the corner sang Where the Waterlillies Grow" is referring to this song by Smoky Dawson.
Where the Waterlillies Grow
by Smoky Dawson
I love that stray place
Out of the way place
Nestling near a shady brook
where in the twilight
You or I might
think we stepped right
into a picture book
And there's a shack there
Calling me back there
Down where the drowsy waters flow
And I would love to take my
rickety boat and drift
Where the Water Lillies Grow
Out of the way place
Nestling near a shady brook
where in the twilight
You or I might
think we stepped right
into a picture book
And there's a shack there
Calling me back there
Down where the drowsy waters flow
And I would love to take my
rickety boat and drift
Where the Water Lillies Grow