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Roud Folk Song Index #325

First printed in Laura Smith's 1888 collection, The Music of the Waters in which she says she collected it from a "coloured seaman at the Sailor's Home in London".
A favorite of Kerry’s, we know the Pogues did this song on the album “If I Should Fall From Grace With God”. Three more verses added by Guthrum - Aug, 2009.

South Australia

by trad
In South Australia I was born,
heave a- way, haul a- way
In South Australia, ‘round Cape Horn,
we’re bound for South Au- stra- lia

( Chorus
Haul away your rolling king, heave away, haul away
Haul away, you’ll hear me sing, we’re bound for South Australia )

As I walked out one morning fair,
heave away, haul away
‘Twas there I met Miss Nancy Blair,
we’re bound for South Australia


I shook her up and I shook her down,
heave away, haul away
Well I danced her all around the town,
we’re bound for South Australia


There’s just one thing that’s on my mind,
heave away, haul away
That’s leaving Nancy Blair behind,
we’re bound for South Australia


I wish I was on some lonesome Strand,
heave away, haul away
With Rum and Whiskey all in the Hand,
we’re bound for South Australia


And as we wallop round Cape Horn,
heave away, haul away
You’ll wish to God you’ve never been born,
we’re bound for South Australia


Two old Ladies sleepin’ on the Sand,
heave away, haul away
Each one wishin’ that the other was a man,
and we’re bound for South Australia


In South Australia I was born,
heave away, haul away
In South Australia, ‘round Cape Horn,
we’re bound for South Australia