Page 126
The melody is an old Irish air called ‘The Moreen’. The song was very popular in America in the early days of the nineteenth century.
Adim7 x01212

    Minstrel Boy

    by trad
    The minstrel boy to the war has gone
    in the ranks of death you will find him
    His father’s sword he has gir- ded on
    and his wild harp slung be- hind him

    “Land of Song,” said the war- rior bard
    “Though all the world be- trays thee,
    one sword at least thy rights shall gaurd
    one faithful harp shall praise thee

    The minstrel fell but the foemans chain
    could not bring that proud soul under
    The harp he loved never spoke again
    for he tore its chords asunder

    and said no chain shall sully thee
    thou soul of love and bravery!
    “Thy songs were made for the pure and free,
    they shall never sound in slavery!”